Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Template for Argument

Template for argument: Is Survival Selfish?

An argument shows your opinion on something. You research the topic and look for evidence that supports your opinion and helps you argue your claim.

What is your opinion?

State your claim:
Be creative and grab the reader’s attention, In the intro and throughout the essay!
Use relevant details from the literature.
Add your explanations without using “I”
Use transitions from one paragraph to the next as well as within your paragraphs.
Always stay consistent to your claim: selfish/ unselfish
Here’s an example:

This is just one way of writing this! Be unique! Don’t copy my words! They are here to help you!!!

According to Merriam Webster dictionary, Survival is defined as "continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances". Facing dangerous situations is not easy, especially if they threaten your life. When people survive a very dangerous situation and others die, some people say that the survivor must have been selfish. This does not have to be necessarily true. (IF YOU BELIEVE IT IS NOT SELFISH) …This is absolutely true. (IF YOU BELIEVE IT IS TRUE) There are many stories that deal with this topic. For example, there is the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, “The Leap” a short story by Louise Erdrich, and several poems all dealing with survival. Each of these pieces of literature deal with survival in their own way. Let’s take a look at Night.
Elie Wiesel wrote the memoir Night to show the world the experiences he went through while being a prisoner of a concentration camp. There is an example where he (add an example from the memoir that shows survival) (Explain the example) (Do you think this example supports selfishness or unselfishness, according to your claim) (Explain why)
The next piece of literature that discusses survival is “The Leap” by Louise Erdrich. The author, who is the narrator of the short story shows (add an example from the memoir that shows survival) (Explain the example) (Do you think this example supports selfishness or unselfishness, according to your claim) (Explain why)
Next, the poem "The End and the Beginning"  by Wislawa Szymborska (or one of the other two we read) also deals with survival. In the poem by  (author’s name) (add an example from the memoir that shows survival) (Explain the example) (Do you think this example supports selfishness or unselfishness, according to your claim) (Explain why)
Survival is very important to all who occupy the world. When an animal faces off with another of its kind, it is called “survival of the fittest.” Humans also have to survive. (Repeat your claim: selfish/ not selfish in a way that ends the essay)

Friday, May 12, 2017

Rules for Capitalization and Punctuation of Titles

Wow, I can't believe I had not updated this blog. I guess since I do not work in a school where kids have internet access I found it to be unnecessary. Well, so much for that. I am going to try and blog the things that I need to show often and refer to at any given time. I'm going to start with the rules of capitalization and punctuation of titles.

Rules for Capitalization and Punctuation of Titles

Titles should be capitalized. The first letter of the first word and all important words should be capitalized. That goes for any kind of title — a book, an article, a poem, a song, a film, etc. By “important words” I mean everything other than articles (aanthe), conjunctions (andbutor, etc.), and short prepositions (inontowith, etc.)

Next, titles of long works are underlined. However, if it’s handwritten only. When you use a keyboard, the titles of long works are in italics. Underlining is the same as using italics. So don't forget. If by chance you do not remember this, underline. As long as you are consistent and do not flip- flop, it's okay.

The last rule you should remember is: Underline big things; add quotation marks for small things. 
That means you italicize or underline book titles. For example, underline or italicize The Giver or To Kill a Mockingbird; magazines, like Seventeen or People; plays like Romeo and Juliet and Our Town; newspapers: The Post and The Daily News; long poems as the Song of Hiawatha or Song of Myself. Movies also follow this rule. For example, Beauty and the Beast and Batman vs. Superman. So do TV shows like The Middle and Who Wants To Be a Millionaire.
If it’s a short work or a section of a longer work, put the title in quotation marks. Quotation marks are used when you do chapter titles like "The Civil War"; magazine articles- "How To Braid Hair"; newspaper article- "Two Found Dead"; songs- "My Name Is"; short stories- "The Lottery", and poems .
If you find any mistakes, please alert me by leaving a comment. It will be appreciated!